Dwayne Johnson, “La Roca” antes de la fama

Así se veía en su adolescencia el actor y ex luchador, quien llega hoy a sus 44 años de edad

descripción de la imagen

Por elsalvador.com

2016-05-02 11:49:00

Dwayne Johnson, mejor conocido como “La Roca” cumple hoy 44 años de edad. Nació en Hayward, California en 1972.

Actualmente el actor y ex luchador se encuentra filmado la cinta “Baywatch”, además de que se anunció que próximamente protagonizará el remake de “Jumanji”.  

ROAD TO WRESTLEMANIA.. 1997, I was 25yrs old, the youngest Intercontinental Champion in WWE history and performing in #WrestleMania13. It would become one of the most defining moments of my life. Not because it was my first WrestleMania I had the privilege to be a part of, but because I was boo’d out of the building. Literally boo’s from 20,000 people that screamed “Get the f*ck outta here”. And when you’re supposed to be a good guy or “babyface” in wrestling speak – getting boo’d is the worst thing that can ever happen. They boo’d me because I wasn’t being real. I was told by the company how to act, how to respond to fans and the worst part of all.. I was told what to say and what not to say. Not long after this match, I lost the title and was eventually sent home for months to recuperate from an injury – it didn’t really matter anyway because I wasn’t drawing the company any money nor did the fans care I was gone. A week before I was scheduled to return to the WWE, I got a call from Vince who said “How do feel about turning heel?” (which means becoming a bad guy). I said “Great, but I have one request… give me 2 minutes on the microphone on live TV and let me be myself. Be real and authentic. I gotta be me”. Vince said “You got it”. The following week I cut a promo that was from the heart. Real and authentic. 6 months later I was the hottest heel in the company. Even though I hated being boo’d out of the building at WrestleMania13, I learned one of the greatest life lessons that still serves me today. Be real. Be authentic. Be me. Truly my honor to perform this Sunday at #WrestleMania32 for the WWE Universe.. as me. #TheRock #DwayneJohnson #BigBrownBaldTattooedPuppyLover #SlightlyElectrifyingAndOneHandsomeSumbitch

Un vídeo publicado por therock (@therock) el 

Pero, ¿Cómo era La Roca antes de ser famoso?

En diversas entrevistas Dwayne Johnson ha comentado que de niño tuvo muchos problemas ya que no encajaba con sus compañeros.

“Cuando tenía 15 años ya medía casi dos metros y pesaba unas 213 libras”, dijo en el show de  Jimmy Fallon.

En la adolescencia las cosas no cambiaron para “La Roca” y a sus 16 años pasó por cuatro escuelas.

Sus compañeros de escuela incluso pensaban que era un policía encubierto debido al prominente bigote que ya tenía a esa edad.

Dwayne Johnson ha protagonizado una gran cantidad de películas y es considerado como uno de los mejores ex luchadores de la WWE.  

La Roca dice ser “un hombre agradecido por la vida que tengo” ya que pudo olvidar rápidamente la pubertad para convertirse en la estrella de cine que es en la actualidad.